
Considering abortion?

Now that you’ve discovered you’re unexpectedly pregnant, you may be considering abortion. Often, women think abortion is their only option, but it isn’t. It is a serious medical procedure though, and we want you to have as much information as possible before choosing abortion. Contact us. We’ll go over the procedures, side effects, and possible risks. It costs nothing to talk!

what do i need to know about abortion?

We’re here to answer the really tough questions. If you’re looking for information about the abortion pill or other types of abortion procedures, we can help you. Don’t be pressured into making a quick decision. You have time to think it through, talk to someone who will listen to your whole story, and then, make your decision. 

Let us help you make one of the most important decisions you will ever face. You can trust that when you come to the Metroplex Women’s Clinic you will never be judged, condemned, or forced to make a decision. We do not perform or refer for abortions, but we will give you medically accurate information. Here are some topics we can talk about:

  • Abortion options and procedures
  • Information on potential health risks
  • Emotional and mental impact of abortion
  • Alternatives to abortion
  • Post-abortion impacts
  • Post-abortion counseling

What Should I Do First?

Before you can make a decision about abortion, you need more information about your pregnancy. First, we recommend you come to Metroplex Women’s Clinic for a free laboratory-quality pregnancy test that is 99% accurate. In most cases, a nurse will help administer the test so you can be assured of accurate results.

Afterwards, you will need an ultrasound to determine how far along you are and if the pregnancy is continuing. All of our services are free and confidential.

what are the different types of abortion?

RU 486

The abortion pill (RU 486) is known as a medication abortion. This type of abortion can only be done up to 10 weeks from your last menstrual period. The only way to know what week you’re in is to have an ultrasound.

The abortion pill is actually two very powerful drugs. The first drug causes the lining of your uterus to thin and prevents the embryo from staying implanted and growing. The second drug causes cramping in your uterus in order for your body to expel the embryo.

Surgical Abortions

Dilation and Curettage (D & C) is one of the more common surgical abortion methods. A surgical abortion is an invasive procedure that must be performed in a medical clinic with medical staff. There are a number of different types, depending on how far along your pregnancy is, but all involve injections, dilation and a suction device.

To begin, your cervix is opened (dilated) with either medication or instruments. A suction tube is inserted to remove the fetus. In some cases, a sharp surgical instrument called a curette is used to scrape the lining of the uterus.

What Are the risks?

Whether you’re able to have a medication or surgical abortion, it’s important to remember both are serious medical procedures. Like any other procedure, there are possible side effects and risks to consider.

Possible physical side effects include:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Cramping
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Possible damage to your cervix
  • Potential for a perforated uterus

Possible emotional side effects include:

  • Depression
  • Grief
  • Sadness
  • Regret

Click here to download a copy of A Woman’s Right to Know informational brochure provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services.


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